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Four lepton production and the accuracy of QED FSR

Christian Gütschow, and Marek Schönherr

Higgs decay to fermion pairs at NLO in SMEFT

Jonathan M. Cullen, and Benjamin D. Pecjak

A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4

L.A. Harland-Lang, M. Tasevsky, V.A. Khoze, and M.G. Ryskin

ULYSSES: Universal LeptogeneSiS Equation Solver

Alessandro Granelli, Kristian Moffat, Yuber Perez-Gonzalez, Holger Schulz, and Jessica Turner

Di-Higgs resonance searches in weak boson fusion

Rahool Kumar Barman, Christoph Englert, Dorival Gonçalves, and Michael Spannowsky

Worldline theories with towers of internal states

Steven Abel, and Daniel Lewis

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Previous news is available in our archive

New PDG Review on 'High energy soft QCD and Diffraction'

We congratulate Valery Khoze, Misha Ryskin and Marek Taševský for completing a new review on 'High energy soft QCD and Diffraction' as part of Particle Data Group's 2024 edition.

Alan Martin Doctoral prize for Philip Waite

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Joey Reiness completes his PhD!

Our PhD student Joey Reiness completed his PhD and defended it in a remote viva this week. Congratulations to him! His thesis is titled Pieces of the Higgsaw and its abstract is below. The full thesis is also attached.

CP violation in the lepton sector underlying the matter-antimatter asymmetry?

Following a recent measurement of the T2K Collaboration, in a Nature News and Views article Silvia Pascoli and Jessica Turner have discussed the question whether CP violation in the lepton sector can be a key ingredient to the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our Universe:

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Rydberg atoms: the dark horse in the quantum computing race?


Quantum Computer Summer Lectures


Quantum Computer Summer Lectures

14/09/2024 to 18/09/2024

13th International Workshop on Top-Quark Physics (TOP2024)

21/09/2024 to 25/09/2024

High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC (HP² 2024)

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